Thursday, March 26, 2009

Cake au Chocolat

Bonjour mes amies,

Aujourd’hui on va vous donner la recette du cake au chocolat. Elle était très demandée par nos clients ce dernier mois on la leurs donne au petit déjeuner.

Ingrédients :

3 œufs.
1 verre du café pressé.
1 verre de l’huile de table.
1 verre de sucre semoule.
1 càs de cacao.
20 g de sucre vanille.
20 g de levure chimique.
12 cuillères à soupe de farine.

La Méthode

Dans une bol mettez les œufs, le verre de café, l’huile, le sucre, le cacao, la vanille, on mélange le tout avec un batteur électrique jusqu'à l’obtention d’un mélange homogène, ajoutez la farine cuillère par cuillère, à la fin on mettez la levure chimique. Versez le mélange dans un moule beurrer et fariner. Mettez le moule au four à 180° 45 min.

Bonne appétit,

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Kefta With tomato sauce and eggs


In beginning, I will tell you about an American couple celebrating their 20th wedding anniversary. For this occasion, I gave them tea set composed of a teapot and 6-colour Moroccan glasses, and a tray. I think they will love it because I always see them drinking a menthe tea in the riad. So, I wish the couple a happy celebration.

For today, I will give you a recipe for a tajine of kefta with tomato sauce, and eggs.


1kg meat,
Small-shopped onion,
2 cloves of garlic,
1 spring Parsley and coriander,
1/5 teaspoon cinnamon
1-teaspoon paprika,
1-teaspoon cumin
1/5 teaspoon hot pepper (optional)
1.5 kg Tomatoes
¼ glass of olive oil


Mixed the tomatoes and put the coriander, parsley, salt, garlic, cumin, paprika, hot pepper, cinnamon, ¼ olive oil, wait a 20min Intel this sauce become consistent, and then put the kefta on balls wait a few minute, after break the eggs into the centre and one each per person, around the outside of the tajine where they will cook in a few minute.


Monday, March 23, 2009

beaucoup de monde au Riad

Bonjour mes Fidèles,

Aujourd’hui on a beaucoup de monde au Riad, et on va célébrer le 20 ème année de Mariage d’un couple américain, Donc Je m’excuse j’ai pas de temps pour vous écrire une nouvelle recette, je vais vous donner que le menu du Dîner pour ce soir au Riad :

-Salade Marocaines,
-Tajine d’agneau avec les petits pois et le fenouil,
-Tarte aux pommes,

A plus,


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Fès au Printemps

Bonjour Les amies,

C’est le printemps, alors c’est le moment des pique-niques.
À Fès il y’a beaucoup des espaces vertes en dehors de la médina. Et comme moi j’habite au quartier andalous, ma famille et moi on partent a Wislan (c’est une collines au frontières de la médina), Alors pour ce jour toute la famille se prépare pour y aller chaqu’un à ça façon : les beaux vêtements, les délicieux plats, le thé avec les pétales de fleurs d’oranger, et nos grands-mères prennent avec eux des tissus pour faire du beau broderie.
Cette habitude n’est pas récente pour cette vielle ville, elle existait depuis le Sultan Moulay youssef où les étudiants de la karawiyenne sortaient en groupes pour faire du fantasias, chanter le malhoun, Composer de poésie, et faire la chasse, tout ça sur l’honneur d’étudiant le plus doué ils le prenaient comme un sultan c’est son jour de chance. Cette manifestation s’appelait (Sultan Tolba).
D’après cette courte ballade dans l’histoire, demain je vais vous donner une recette d’une des plats qu’on prépare dans des moments pareils.

Bonne journée,

Monday, March 16, 2009


Hello My Friends,

Sorry, Today I will give you just the Menu in our Riad, because I am very busy with Riad guest’s, they want to now much thinks about Moroccan kitchen, like you!!!

Lunch Menu

-Mixed Salads
-Fruits salad

Dinner Menu

-Moroccan soup (HARIRA) with chbbakia & dates.
-Chickens tajine with carrots & red olives.
-Circles orange with cinnamon.




Thursday, March 12, 2009

Peanut cookies (Ghribas)

Hello every body,

Moroccan people celebrate the birthday of her prophet, so in this occasion we make a lot Moroccan cookies, today we will give you the recipe of a peanut cookies.

Peanut cookies (Ghribas)


-1/2 g of Peanut,
-250 g of sugar,
-3 eggs,
-2 packet of vanilla sugar,
-small cup yogurt,
-200 g of icing sugar,
- 1 tsp of packing powder,


Crush the peanut with sugar in a bowl, mix the eggs, put the packets of vanilla sugar, small cup of yogurt and mix well. After put the bowl in the fridge for two hours. After chilling, mix in the crushed peanuts with sugar, add 1 tsp of peaking powder, & ship the mixture into small bowls and dip them into icing sugar.
Place the Cookies onto a greased and floured tray, bake into a moderate oven for about 20 to 25 min.

Serve cool with menthe Tea.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

08 Mars The international day of women.


It’s taken for granted that, every country in 8 march celebrate with the international day of women.
Really, every woman’s especially in morocco are very happy because they changed their situation from the bad to the best so they did a hard work in order to participate at every field
And to be an important member in it in addition in riad Laaroussa which is the symbol of what women did since the most of them realised their sleeves and hope for all women all over The world the best life and wishes,
Therefore we are so happy to see the light after the ascent of the justice,

following a picture of riad lâroussa staff (just a women's)



Sunday, March 8, 2009

One day with samira at Riad Laaroussa:

we arrived in the beautiful Riad Laaroussa at 10AM and after some mint tea, we accompanied samira to the market. wa bought all the ingredients ,needed for the three-coursemeal we would be having that evening: deliciously fresh fruit and vegetables, lamb from the local butcher nand fresh herbs.
then back to the kitchen of Riad Laaroussa where we watched in amazement as samira and her kitchen helpers prepared the different dishes. it was great seeing Moroccan food at it's best being prepared and samira explained everything as she went along. we scribbled everything down, hoping to be able to produce this dishes to the same level of expertise later on for our family and friends!
we were shown how to make three Moroccan salads: tomato and aubergine salad, fennel and orange salad and a roasted red and green pepper salad with preserved lemons. the secrets of a delicious sweet lamb tagine were also disclosed as was the recipe for moroccan panckaces and celicious peanut cookies. then we all had lunch together (delicious couscous leftovers the previous day ), everyone eating from the big dish put in the middle of the table. as samira said, we are like family here. when we returned that evening to taste the offerts of a day's cooking, we were blown away: moroccan food at its absolute best

Thursday, March 5, 2009

cookies with almond, eggs & sugar (fekkas)

Hello everybody, today we will prepare the delicious Moroccan cookies with almond, eggs & sugar, the Moroccan name for this cookies is Fekkas,


6 eggs
1 Bowl oil and butter mixed,
1 large bowl of caster sugar,
1 large bowl of a mixed crushed almond, raisins & sesame seeds.
2 packets baking powder.
The peel of 1lemon,
1 kg flour,
Little salt
1 eggs for a decoration,


In a big bowl combine eggs, oil, butter, sugar, crushed almond, raisins, sesame seeds, salt, and baking powder. Add gradually flour while stirring with fingers, knead well.
Divide dough into large balls, roll and place into greased oven try, brush with eggs. Bake them for 25 mins, after that place them on a cloth and cover them with another cloth with a towel over it, or you can put them on the fridge for 1 night. In the next morning cut the rolls into very thin slices. Place once again into oven tray and brown them for 15 to 20 min in the oven.

Preserve fakkas in hermetic box to keep them crispy.


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Tajine d’agneau aux petit pois et au fenouil

Bonjour mes amies, ce matin avant de sortir au marché vraiment j’avais aucune idées de ce que je fait faire comme déjeuner, mais au marché il y’avait toute les sortes de légumes toutes fraîche c’est normale après ce mois de pluie, je vous cache pas que j’avais envies de tout acheter, mais finalement je me suis décidé de faire un tajine d’agneau aux petit pois et au fenouil,

Tajine d’agneau aux petit pois et au fenouil,

Les ingrédients :

2 kg de viande d’agneau,
1 gros oignon
1gousse d’ail pilée
1 petit bouquet de coriandre fraîche haché
1càc de poivre noire,
1 càc de gingembre,
¼ càc de safran
¼ de safran pilé
Du sel
1 verre de L’huile d’olive mélangé avec l’huile d’arachide,
1 kg de fenouil frais,
2 kg de petit poivre frais,
1 litre et demi d’eau,

Préparation :

Mettez les morceaux de viande dans une marmite, rajoutez y l’oignon haché l’ail pilé, les épices et l’huile, laissez rissoler pendant 10mins, rajoutez ensuite le bouquet de coriandre et mouillez avec l’eau, couvrez la marmite après ébullition baissez le feu,
Otez les branches de fenouil couper chaque bulbe en quatre morceaux, lavez soigneusement pour enlever toute traces d’impureté, rajoutez le fenouil et les petites pois écossés, lorsque la viande et presque cuite dans les 45 min, une dizaine de minute avent d’enlever la marmite du feu ôtez le bouquet de coriandre. Une fois la viande et les légumes cuits, et la sauce réduite et bien onctueuse déposer les morceaux de viande au milieu d’un tajine de service décorer les avec les morceaux de fenouil et les petits pois avant de napper le tout dans la sauce.

Bonne appétit,

Monday, March 2, 2009

The famous soup with Dried Broad beans

In according to the request of Mr Jackie McLeod, today we will give you recipe of the (Bessara) soup with Dried Broad beans,

Before that following there are some information’s about Garlic,

Garlic gives a good health

The pharaohs of ancient Egypt gave a daily ration of garlic to their slaves working on the pyramids, in order to stimulate their will to work, athletes in ancient times chewed a clove of garlic before the start of the Olympic games, and they were not mistaken : garlic is truly, for me, a synonym for vitality, and this does not exhaust its properties :it is a natural antiseptic, its essence kills gems a scholar friends has told me, it is a potent vermifuge-a crust of bread rubbed with garlic will eliminate the common pinworm from young children. Furthermore it combats diabetes and is helpful in cases of high blood pressure.

Soup with Dried Broad beans:


- 500 g Dried broad Beans,
- 10 crushed garlic cloves,
- 1,5 teaspoon salt,
- 1 litre water,

For decoration:

- 1 teaspoon paprika,
- 1 teaspoon cumin,
- Olive oil,


In the pressure cooker put the water and boil, clean dried broad Beans and put it into the hot water, crushed garlic cloves, salt, and simmer 30min on a soft fire, once dried broad Beans cooked, remove from heat and cool. Process until thick soup, reheat over low heat.
Serve hot, sprinkling paprika, cumin and adding olive oil, and if you like lemon jus you can put it,


Sunday, March 1, 2009

Friday Couscous

Today i make a recipe for couscous with seven vegetables.
We need for ingredients :
2 kg meat, lamb,beef or chiken.
2kg onion
1/4 chikpeas, soaked overnight.
1 glass olive oil
3 tomato blanched and cut
2 tablespoon salt
1 tablespoon pepper
1 teaspoon ginger
1/4 teaspoon saffron
a few saffron pistils
a few cinnamon
water ( about 3 litres)
1kg carrots peeled and sliced lengh ways
1/2 kg turnips peeled and cut in half lengh ways
1/2 kg courgettes cut in half and spilit lengh ways
1 kg cabbage cut two quarters
1kg red pumpkin cut in pieces
1 sprig coriander chopped.
1/5 semoulina couscous
6 tablespoon vegetable oil
2 tablespoon salt water, 2 tablespoon butter or rancid butter ( smen)


*Wash and drain rapidly the couscous grain spread it out on a large dish by hand, to separate each grain .
*In a couscous saucepan and over moderate heat fry gently .
* Diced mest with oil chopped onion, chickpeas and all spices.
Cook together in the bottom of the steamer, over medium heat for 40 min.
Mean while put semolina couscous into a large plate ( kessaa) spray 6 tablespoon oil and work between palms, dilute salt and a big glass of water moisten semolina then continue work, leave it 25 min and transfer semolina into the couscous steamer with you put over couscous saucepan when steam rises over semolina, remove the steamer and cover saucepan turn the couscous on to the large plate, spay a big glass of water and separate grains with your fingers then let it rest 15 min.
During this time add in the saucepan carrot,turnips,brunch of coriander and cayenne paprika.
Cook for second time semolina in the steamer for 30 min .
Semolina should be cooked over 3 times before the last cooking make a butter or rancid butter and work.
Before frist stap put a red pumpkin ;courgettes and cabbage cook for 15min
(the last vegetables cook quickly)
When these vegetables are cooked, remove them from the heat the juice should be fairly plentiful arrange your couscous in the traditional manner and serve it hot.
