Monday, August 25, 2008

New day at riad Laaroussa

today the weather is beatiful, not very hot.
Our guest had breakfast early on the roof ,they like it and we take some pictures with them.
After some guests will leave with samira to the market, to choose fresh vegetables,fruits, chicken
and lamb, in order to participate at cooking lessons.It is very interesting and funny.

This eveninng , we will prepare 3 Moroccan salads, and lamb tagin with green beans .
And we will prepare also for vegetarian guests a tagine with rice .

Recipe of lamb tagin and green beans:

2 kilo meat cut in pieces.
1/2 glass oliver oil.
1/2 glass vegetable oli.
2 onions sliced.
2 cloves of garlic, chopped.
1/2 tsp saffran
1 tsp black pepper
1/2 tsp ginger.
1 tsp salt.
3 pints water.

When it is cooked add the following ingredients and simmer for 45 min.
1 lbs French beans, washed and with strings removed.
2 tomatoes, peeled and cut in pieces.
1 pints parsley chopped.
Set out the pieces of meat on a tagin, with a little pile of french beans decorated with a pieces of tomatos between each.Coat all with sauce.


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